Receipt Recognition Project
-- Core Algorithm Development Overview
Step 1: Preprocessing (CV Group)
Edge Detection: Cropping the receipt part correctly from the images and removing the redundant background noises
- Pre-processing image to enhance the document.
- Finding receipt extraction points in the image.
- Extracting the receipt from the points.
- Post-processing to correct distortions and imperfections.
Ideal example: The algorithm of auto-cropping places the focus on receipts exactly and ignores the background noises (i.e. finger, cup, spoon) perfectly
Step 2: Text Detection (CV Group)
- Outline the exact contour of each piece of information on receipts
Ideal examples:
Step 3: Text Recognition (CV Group + NLP Group)
- Recognising and extracting the exact information from receipts into texts
- The functionality of auto-correcting words may be required
Ideal examples:
Step 4: Information extraction (NLP Group)
- Extract the important information (i.e. Date, Total expense, Name and price of each purchased item) from the results of text recognition
- Ongoing...